How to fix iPhone Text Message Bug

How to fix iPhone Text Message Bug

The text bug which was initially reported in iPhone created much worry among the Apple users. Yesterday it was also reported by the users of Apple Watch and other Apple devices with text services, that the bug is making its way to the core system. After many of iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch devices went crashed, Apple came up with a temporary solution. But unlike Apples temporary solution we are telling you the way to get rid of the bug permanently.

It was just hours after that Apple instructs its users to update their software to prevent from the bug but as many users reported latter the solution seems temporary. Though users do update their software but the bug still remains in the system. If you are not quick enough to update your software it may cost you. For instance, in case of failure in timely update your iPhone may be hijacked or exploit through many other possible ways.

iPhone Text Message Bug

The issue is now solved by the IneffectivePower which is a jailbreak tweak to help you out from this problem permanently. Therefore if you own a jail broken iPhone then you will surely get relaxed after this helpful tweak. The Cydia tweak will help you to save your costly device from a serious crash.

However it is not the only tweak at Cydia which you can try but the developer angelXwind claims it as the most effective tweaks. According to the angelXwind their ineffectivePower is a system wide level tweak that works better than the others with this particular issue. As the tweak work at system wide level it will prevent the bug from accessing any app and eventually preventing you from the attack.

The tweak works at Core Text level where the issue is pointed out to be effecting. Therefore by countering it at the right place the tweak will fix the bug not only in the text messaging app of the iPhone but also the other related third party apps. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Read about our Affiliates Disclosure Policy here. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.