1. Find the APK file of the app
There are numerous reliable sources for downloading the APK file of the app you to install. To suggest here a few resources listed:
- 1mobile Market
- APK Train
- Snap App Downloader
2. Save your APK on your BlackBerry Device
If you directly download the APK files on your BlackBerry device then it’s also well and good but if you use some other device or your PC to do so then transfer it your Blackberry device by simply connecting it to your PC via microUSB cable.
Transferring the APK file on your BlackBerry device is the first step… 3. Install APK file on your Blackberry device
If you used the native BlackBerry browser to download the file, the Downloads window should have already appeared prompting you to save it and asking for the Filename; just tap on the file when it’s done. If the download window doesn’t appear. Tap the overflow menu button in the bottom-right (three little dots), and tap Downloads.
Tapping the overflow button will give you access to downloaded files If you transferred the file to your device by any other means, it can easily be found by tapping the search icon and typing .apk in the search box at the top. The transferred APK file should show up and from there you can access it.
Tapping onto the file will open a dialog prompting the user to “Install” the app on the phone. Just tap on the Install button and it will start installing the app on the phone. At first a “Processing” indicator shows up which indicates the process of parsing the APK file for the device.
First of all, when installing an .APK file for the very first time you’ll be prompted to turn off a safety setting which blocks installation of files from unknown sources. The installation window will change form “Install” to “Open” when the installation is done. After that, you should be able to launch the app directly from app drawer alongside all of your other apps. Access the HomeScreen from right to left a few times to find the app and oraganize it in the way you want. Hold your finger on the icon for a moment to drag it around.
However, it is not guaranteed that the apps will work perfectly as mentioned above. BlackBerry does not run Android, it can just run Android apps. The Android app player in BlackBerry 10 is good, and it will handle most of stuff you install in it.