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Google Nexus 5x : All You want to Know

Google Nexus 5x : All You want to Know

After a long wait and unofficial talks about Google’s plans finally we have the Nexus 5X made official. It has been an year when we observed last launch of the Nexus 6 in partenerhip with Motorola. Following many things from the last device, the Nexus 5X comes out from LG like the […]

How does iPhone 6S 3D Touch Display Work
How To

How does iPhone 6S 3D Touch Display Work

The announcement of latest iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S at the dedicated event in San Francisco was highly awaited. Fans of Apple devices were looking forward to the company’s event for quite awhile. Restless tech enthusiasts tried to dig up all they could about the event but Apple managed to keep […]